• Prix pictet 05 - consumption

This volume will accompany the exhibition featuring the finalists at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London in May 2014. Kofi Annan announced Michael Schmidt as winner of fifth Prix Pictet. The award ceremony took place at the Victoria and Albert Mus eum, London, on 21 May 2014. Shortlisted photographers: Adam Bartos, Motoyuki Daifu, Rineke Dijkstra, Hong Hao, Mishka Henner, Juan Fernando Herrán, Boris Mikhailov, Abraham Oghobase, Michael Schmidt, Allan Sekula, and Laurie Simmons.

Código: 9783832798147
EAN: 9783832798147
Peso (kg): 2,000
Altura (cm): 2,50
Largura (cm): 26,00
Espessura (cm): 33,00

Prix pictet 05 - consumption

  • Disponibilidade: Esgotado
  • R$310,00