Women''s Histories, Feminist Histories combines the catalogs of two parallel, complementary exhibitions organized in dialogue at MASP: Women''s Histories: Artists Before 1900, curated by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Mariana Leme, and F eminist Histories: Artists After 2000, curated by Isabella Rjeille. The juxtaposition of two exhibitions with different scopes within a single publication allows us to establish dialogues between artwork from different eras, and to understand their d evelopment from one temporal arc to another. Over the last few years, MASP has undertaken a pioneering effort to include artwork by women in both its permanent collection and its programming, a path also explored by other institutions worldwide. The museum''s 2019 program is dedicated to women artists, and this publication, alongside its Anthology companion, is the culmination of this effort. Women''s Histories, Feminist Histories was organized by Mariana Leme, Adriano Pedrosa and Isabella Rjeille and includes texts by the exhibition curators as well as by Matheus de Andrade, Leonardo Antiqueira, Marcia Arcuri, Elaine Bortolanza, Amanda Carneiro, Beatriz Lemos, Benjamin Seroussi, Eliane Pinheiro, Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Lúcia Klück Stum pf and Talita Trizoli. Artists Mequitta Ahuja, Abigail de Andrade, Giulia Andreani, Sofonisba Anguissola, Santarosa Barreto, Yael Bartana, Marie Constantine Bashkirtseff, Mary Beale, Marie-Guillemine Benoist, Elle de Bernardini, Anna Bilinska-Bohdan owicz, Rosa Bonheur, Olga Boznanska, Louise Breslau, Henriette Browne, Ruth Buchanan, Sebastián Calfuqueo, Maria Emília de Campos, Marcela Cantuária, Mary Cassatt, Carolina Caycedo, Iria Cândida Corrêa, Amélia da Silva Costa, Daspu, Victoria Dubourg, Chiquita Ferraz, Celia Castro del Fierro, Clara Filleul, Lavinia Fontana, Artemisia Gentileschi, Paule Gobillard, Eva Gonzalès, Jeanne Gonzalès, Caroline Gower, Maria Graham, Adrienne Grandpierre-Deverzy, Catarina van Hemessen, Pilar de la Hidalga, Clara Ianni, Maria E. Ibarrola, Angelica Kauffmann, Leonor de Almeida Portugal de Lorena e Lencastre Alcipe), Ellen Lesperance, Judith Leyster, EvaMarie Lindahl & Ditte Ejlerskov, Rosa Luz, Ana Mazzei & Regina Parra, Guadalupe Carpio de Mayora, Virgi nia de Medeiros, Magdalena Mira Mena, Cornelia van der Mijn, Berthe Morisot, Aline Motta, Rabbya Naseer & Hurmat Ul Ain, Emily Osborn, Kaj Osteroth & Lydia Hamann, Lyz Parayzo, Clara Peeters, Julia Phillips, Mónica Restrepo, Tabita Rezaire, Sallisa R

Código: 9788531000751
EAN: 9788531000751
Peso (kg): 1,000
Altura (cm): 1,90
Largura (cm): 18,30
Espessura (cm): 25,00


  • Disponibilidade: Esgotado
  • R$149,00